Snooper - утилита - разведчик по-тихому слагает все звуки улавливаемые микрофоном в помещении во часы вашего отсутствия. Когда в помещение тишь либо звуки не определяются как вербальные, она неслышимо вздремывает. Сооружает метку на записанных MP3 - документах о часы записи. Сделав ударенный Вами объем записи утилита также по-тихому сбавит на намеченное мыло всё что она услыхала вокруг интересующего Вас компютера. В трее и в задачках не представительна.
Snooper is a professional sound aerated sound recording package package with many advanced choices and features. Recording mechanically starts when sound is discovered from the mike input and stops when there is silence. After the recording is done the sound file can mechanically be stationed by e - mail. You can besides produce voice mail with the desegregated voice mail function. Applying compact MP3 sound format the file size will be less than 4 MB for one minute of recording. Transcriptions can be set to start and stop at unlike times. Stealth mood will hide the program from the taskbar and tray.
Identify Lineaments:
Sound/Voice aerated transcription
Transcriptions are aerating past detecting the incoming strait stratum.
Command mood:
Heavy aerated transcription mood where all transcriptions are gathered into a exclusive file.
Adjustable reading window:
Record sounds before and after the trigger sound!
Chic initiation:
Hold filters and trigger predisposition to attain very precise sound tripping.
Sound/Voice post
Snooper can station the recording by e - mail mechanically after a recording or be produced manually.
Reading Agenda
Snooper can start and stop recording at any time you set.
Snooper can shroud itself from taskbar and tray meantime reading covertly.
Verbatim Transcription Accompaniment
Snooper can read along the fly for equally retentive equally you like without disrupt.
Snooper can record and encode the sound files for secure transfer over internet.
Возраст выпуска: 2013
Активация: Обретается
Стиль Интерфейса: Британский
ОС: Windowpanes 98, 2000, XP, View, Win7 x86 x64 or Win8.
Размер: 10.0 Mb